Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Props to Beautiful/Decay for reaching issue 'Z'...

Beautiful Decay is about to celebrate a pretty big milestone, by reaching issue 'Z' - pretty awesome, as we remember when they used to sell the first few issues out of a backpack at the early Cannibal Flower events - props for keeping at it so long and continuing to build the magazine.

'Beautiful/Decay A To Z' - issue Z release and special exhibition
Opening Reception: Sat, Feb. 21st 6-9PM

Kopeikin Gallery
8810 Melrose Ave in West Hollywood

In celebration of reaching issue 'Z', Beautiful/Decay has curated a special show featuring 26 artists including the likes of Robbie Conal, Gary Taxali, Skwak, Aya Kato, Aaron Noble, Jacob Magraw, Suntek Chung and many more - come on out and give B/D some well earned love and support.

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