First discussed and explained at length
The Uroboros Project from
Gaia and
Rachel Lowing is an ongoing collaboration between the two artists that has really got us excited for our upcoming show this January featuring the final installment of this installation series.
The second piece was installed this past week in a neighborhood not far - but completely different- from where both the artist's are currently living in Baltimore. The space is an abandoned set of row houses that have been converted into a squat/shooting gallery... and the surrounding area is questionable at best...
The Uroboros Project's aim is to articulate the inexorably intertwined relationship between people and nature. Through the project the artist's examine the act of consumption and its implications on contemporary life. The urban environment is an organism whose growth is dictated by the symbiotic relationship between the city and it's inhabitants. It is the ideology and laws of society manifest, yet simultaneously it obeys basic, natural properties of formation and development that is shared by all sentient creatures. By considering our connection and correspondence with the city, we come closer to understanding the purgatory between nature and culture that defines our internal struggle as human beings.
Stay up with the project here: http://www.uroborosproject.blogspot.com/
The final installation is coming... Friday, Jan. 9th to Thinkspace... but there will be more between now and then... stay tuned.
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